Look at me why don't you
Thought I'd write a quick round up to finish off a rather splendid June. But I needed to drop the kids at the pool on the way here and the gf called and now its the 1st July. Ohh well. Anyway so look at me. Got a new job. It's a bit crooked. I've not updated my LinkedIn profile yet but if you've been following my social media shizzle elsewhere you may have a clue. Maybe not. First person that can guess what I'm up to nowadays will win a years supply of paperclips / a pair of sneakers / a punch in the mouth. Have a wicked July retards. Ohh watch out for the wedding of the year photos after the weekend. Ohh and well done to my bro Andy for having a boy. Must post that card. Not even the slightest mention about missing Le Mans this year. Was great to catch up with old boy Nick and his new kid tho. Must go see my bro's new kid this month. Can't remember either of their names. Moving on. Catch yall l8r - so juvenile - street wize. OMG it is actually still June. Look at me. Living on French time still.